During A Performance

View our policies on involuntary noise, latecomers, mobile phones and photography and customer feedback.

Involuntary Noise Policy

Derby Theatre is your theatre and our doors are open to everyone. Our vision is to engage, empower, inspire, and enable the widest possible audience through transformational learning and theatre.

We enjoy welcoming our visitors, and often welcome visitors who may make involuntary noises. We have a duty of care to understand where the noise in coming from, why the noise is being made, and if there is anything we may be able to do to assist the person making the noise. Derby Theatre will not ask a patron making involuntary noises to leave a performance.

We fully support the Equality Act 2010, which places a duty on providers of services, such as Derby Theatre, to make reasonable adjustments in order to avoid a disabled person being placed at a substantial disadvantage compared with non-disabled people when enjoying our services.


We always try our best to seat latecomers in both our performance spaces at appropriate points in the performance, as advised by the production company. We may have to find alternative space temporarily and you will be able to move to your seats during the interval to cause minimal disruption to other audience member and our performers.

Some shows may operate a no latecomers or non-remittance policy due to the type or genre of the performance or for safety reasons. If we are aware of this prior we will endeavour to advise all customers when booking their tickets with us.

Mobile Phones and Photography

Derby Theatre has a strict no mobile phone policy. This is a condition of entry. Please ensure you turn your mobile phone off before entering the auditorium and refrain from using it during the performance.

Photography and video recording is also strictly prohibited.

If you do see members of the public using a mobile phone or recording device please inform a member of our team and we will be able to assist.

Customer Feedback

Derby Theatre strives to provide the best possible service and welcomes all feedback from our customers.

There are several ways you can get in touch to provide feedback, including: filling out a comment card or post-show survey, emailing DerbyTheatreTickets@derby.ac.uk, sending a message via Facebook or Twitter or by speaking to a member of our team during your visit.

We endeavour to respond as quickly as possible and are currently operating on a reduced staff team, so it may take us slightly longer to process your feedback or enquiry. We will try and get back to you within 5 working days and we thank you in advance for your patience.

Security and Cloakroom

Derby Theatre takes the safety of all its audiences, performers, staff and students extremely seriously. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff if you see anything usual or suspicious.

Unfortunately we do not have a cloakroom facility and are not permitted to look after personal belongings. Please seek guidance if you think your item will compromise any emergency exits during your visit. On this occasion our Duty Manager will assist and make a judgement. If any belongings are to be stored securely by our staff, please expect and be willing to for your item to have a security search.

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